Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wow new applications....

So I've had this new Macbook for about 24 hours and I'm wandering the contents of the applications folder. There are a few interesting applications within and I'm not sure what they all do (i.e. AEGEE, Comic Life, and ExamView Pro). I can only guess that we will be learning about each of these as the year goes on as a part of the MILI Grant. ExamView Pro looks very interesting and I imagine that a weekend or two worth of entering test questions would make life much easier when creating quizzes and test review worksheets for my engineering classes.

The other thing I thought was interesting was that Microsoft Office products have not been pre-loaded onto these machines. You know what that means????? GoogleDocs will become the document management system for this machine. :-)

I am still interested in learning how the Intel (PC) side of this machine works and I am hopeful that I can run some of my Project Lead the Way curriculum software...but nonetheless this Mac lover is a happy camper!!


SKobilka said...

My computer had the Microsoft Office - and it's very high tech, the very latest versions. It's actually going to take a lot of time to figure out these newfangled things!

Sara Etzel said...

Ooops....I stand corrected. Microsoft Office Suite 2008 is in the applications folder of this new machine. Oh well, I still think it would be nice to give Google Docs a try.