Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Clickrs in the Classroom

Last week I went to "Clickr" training to become learned in how to turn quizzes, trivia, and lecture questions into "game show" type fun in my classroom.  Last week I used 2 of my civil engineering classes as guinea pigs to try out the "verbal" response technique using an old ppt trivia game I had from the previous term.  The kids seemed to like the immediate feedback of the system.  I did not grade their responses, but used it as review.

Today, I upped the stakes and created a vocabulary quiz using CPS for Powerpoint and administered a graded quiz via the Clickr system.  There were 25 questions and I did not proceed to the next question until all students had responded (the timer option was turned off).  I implemented a "no talking or else" policy during the quiz.  As we proceeded the CPS system automatically graded their responses and created a report I could print at the end of the hour.  Students immediately saw their grades and after 4 minutes of data entry my quiz was done and in the grade book.  Very slick!!

We have 2 more training sessions with the Clickrs....I'll be anxious to see what additional tricks they will share with us.  The videos at have been great.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Thanks for sharing about this! I think it is a great example of how an upfront investment of time to learn a new technology can end up being a real-time saver and productivity tool. I'd love to hear more about your students' response to the clickers ...