Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Millerbots in full swing!

Moonrocks, trailers, coefficient of friction, chassis design, drive trains, delivery systems, hoppers, alliances, strategy, chief delphi, team work, brainstorming, scale models, travel plans, emails, blog feeds, etc......  no wonder I can't sleep.  Robotics....ya gotta love it!

Though easily distracted by the adrenalin of the season I can honestly say that without the MILI group I would not have known how to follow the US FIRST blog and have it automatically feed me new posts via our gmail account.  It's so nice to have the info find me, rather than having to go to the website everyday.  Thanks MILI.  :-)

1 comment:

Karen said...

Yea! I'm so glad that something you learned has turned into a productivity tool for you in a different context - thanks for sharing!